I love this cool explosion box. Originally, I planned to make it for my daughter. But by the time I was done I just couldn't part with it! It is not a difficult design, in fact it's quite simple. Even "easy peezy" as I have been know to say. But this time I mean it!
Imagine the possibilities! Any occasion, any color scheme or picture theme! My grandson had a mustache themed first birthday. I see all kinds of ideas in my head for that explosion box.
The base is a piece of 12 x 12 sturdy cardstock cut in 4" x 12" strips. 2 strips criss cross and then each layer gets smaller by 1/4" in each direction. Choose your theme, then your paper with contrasting colors and patterns. Then choose some embellishments that match your theme and start experimenting with placement before you glue anything down. Take your pictures and crop them to fit.
Tip #1: have some pictures developed wallet size. The fit is much easier.
Tip #2: Use sturdy cardstock for the base and the lid.
Tip #3: Browse through your scraps of paper, ribbons and left over embellishments. This is the perfect size project to use them!
Tip #4: If you have rubber stamps, think about your theme and stamp a few that match your ideas on your scraps. Then play around with the placement to fit the picture, paper or embellishment before you adhere them.
Tip #5: After you finish the first box and you love it (which you will!) start your second and third one at the same time. Cut for two boxes at a time. This will decrease your time involved and then you will have one to give away. Otherwise you'll never have one to give away!
For full instructions to make an explosion box search you tube "explosion box template" and there are quite a few options to choose from. If you need to order any stamping or scrapbooking supplies I would love for you to shop here:
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a fabulous Sunday!