Everywhere I look I see a different me. Nothing so glaring as hypocrisy or lies, but more like a chameleon whose shades shift from one hue to the next along with the environment. Does anyone else do this? Is it noticeable?
Probably most people vary in their outward personality depending on work, school, close friends vs acquaintances, and then family. How about within the family? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with someone on something as you recall at the same time in your mind that in fact you agreed on the opposite with a different person not so long ago? I do this. It's embarrassing to admit.
holiday loving me with my surf city love
There are people I know who are very very good at being authentic. It's those "what you see is what you get" people. For better or worse, they don't go along to get along as the saying goes. They've determined somewhere along the way who they are and they are comfortable with themselves. More than that, confident that there is no other way they should be.
momma me with 2 of my loves
Then there are those who I take much of what they say in the spirit of waiting to see what tomorrow brings. Like the sand at the edge of the sea, shifting and waffling with the change of the tide. These people have minds and hearts that are open to change. They listen for the sound of truth but are not confined to a specific version or vision.
Being authentic is difficult for me in a time where there are many outside influences vying for my attention, my money and my commitment, my me. This is an age of disguise, of misinformation and manipulation and contradictions. My desire is to be a combination of the two profiles above. A confident open minded woman with a tender heart. Like my daughter.
silly me with 2 more of my loves
Through the help of God, a good counselor, some good books (Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend
www.cloudtownsend.com and The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
www.fivelovelanguages.com and loving family and friends I am discovering who the authentic Jane is. And part of who I am is still a chameleon. I like to see things from different perspectives. If you notice that I become less agreeable to everything you say, well, be proud of me. And as I firm up my hopes and dreams, beliefs and boundaries, I intend to give those around me the freedom to do the same.
fun scary me with my momma lou
and here is the love of my life that is teaching me the newest aspect of me, Grandma me.
Love is found in freedom. Freedom to shift and freedom to stand
firm. Freedom to be flexible and open-minded and freedom to draw the
line. It's a tricky process. And it's a happy cultivation.