OK, so. They say I'm not an artist. What am I? Ooooohhh... a crafter...a hobbyist.
every so once in a while (well maybe more than once in a while) I want to cuss big. This is one.
So...beware. Caution. I'm about to cuss.
Who the HELL do you think you are defining me or what I do or what I create or any other aspect of my creativity??
On the other hand. Why the HELL do I allow myself to be so affected by other people's opinions and judgements? Sheesh. Or, for the love of God, (SHIT!)
OK. confession. just having a really hard time post craft show exhibit.
That's an example of my non "art" card. ......And here's another.
Oh well. Stupid me for letting others' opinions phase me.
Because, you know what? I really, really like them. And, I really really like stamping, drawing, coloring, inking, punching, die-cutting, embossing, gluing, pasting, cutting and crimping.
Now. I'll go calm down with a nice glass of wine.