Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It's 4:34 AM, time to blog

Sometimes we just have to get up out of bed and go do those things that keep waking us up thinking about them. Sometimes the dreams we are having make us feel so dreadful getting out of bed at 4:34 AM is a relief.

That's today.

                                   So, here's a few things I've been waking up thinking about.

this boy=my heart 

                                  And a craft show coming up this weekend. so much to do!

And these Tim Holtz crazy birds make me smile.


One of my new passions, coloring with alcohol markers. Such a fun, artsy way to be creative. Haven't you always wished your markers would blend without those streaky lines? Well, alcohol markers to the rescue. It takes a bit of fiddling around with them to get used to the difference but you'll love it!

          Well, it must be time for a cup of coffee and an early morning run. See you soon!

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