Tuesday, October 30, 2012

playing with paper!

     Oh how I love paper. Actually, for as long as I can remember I have loved paper. Writing paper, journals, cardstock, notebook paper, all kinds of paper.
      As a child I loved to color, cut and paste or whatever fun project our art teachers had for us. All the colors and textures. Just looking at a stack of paper made me want to draw or doodle or hoard. Yup, I'm a hoarder. Ooh la la. The secret is out.
     And even now, I see a pack of pretty copy paper sitting on the shelf at work and I want to (and have done so...) take a piece of bright pink or orange paper, cut it in pieces and staple it together and make a little book and put it in my pocket. Then it's my private little journal for the day. Sometimes I don't write in it so I will bring it back the next day.
     Well, enough of my insanity. Have a look at my fancy folds class creations.

This is a pop-up card. The image is from a stamp set called Owl Occasions stamped on one the of tags Stampin' Up! sells. And the colors are cherry cobbler and gumball green, which are my Christmas go-to's this year. Love these happy colors so much! and the embossing folder is snowburst which adds a nice little touch.

and here's the little pop-up fellow inside.

and this is called a Double Z fold card. It has a beautiful wrap band to slide over it.

And this one is my personal favorite. It's called a side step fold. And we used the Snowmuch Fun stamp set that is super cute.

Well, thanks for looking! If you see anything you like and want to try your hand at it yourself, all of the products can be purchased here:
     And if you want any instructions on the folds just email or comment! Happy to share!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

fall is fading fast, too too fast

    This time of year I am as bi-polar as the view from my window. One day the trees are putting on a brilliant, ever changing display of the most eye catching wonder. Then the storms slam in and the winds blow without stop and bam. Just bam. Looking out, all I see is far too brown and gray.
    Then, just like a snap of your fingers a glimpse of vibrance  and magnificence  sends my heart soaring again. The ironic thing is, and why I cannot trust my feelings, is the view was there the day before but I couldn't see it. When my heart is gray, what I see is often shrouded.
     Today the wind is breezy, the sun is bright, the trees are throwing off their leaves. And I see marigold and burgundy and rust and pumpkin and celery and olive and daffodil and crimson.
                               The tears of the morning have turned to hope in the evening.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

got those creative wheels spinning!

   This week I'm working on some projects for my Christmas stamp a stack class and my open house. So many ideas running through my head! Chipboard and wood-backed scrapbooks, paper treat gift purses and snowman candy bars, to name a few. I get started on one and then distracted by another idea and then hit a road block in the finishing of them. You'd be amazed at all my unfinished projects. Or maybe you have a few of those too.

   That's when a good solid deadline comes in handy. I just love a deadline! Both in creativity and cleaning my house. Need to get motivated? Set a date for a workshop or class then tell everyone. Whoa! That'll get me moving. Need to get my house clean? Invite company. You know what I mean, don't you! The last time you dusted your windowsills or cleaned under your sink was when your mother in law was coming. Right? Ha!

     Well, here are a couple of completed cards.

These are made using Stampin' Up! stamps and paper and embellishments. 
That's where you can go for your papercrafting needs! AND lots of new ideas.

      And next time I'll show you the very very cute cards we did at my fancy folds class last Saturday.  You'll love them!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Love Song in the Oaks

As the dark dreamed of dawn
and the sleeping stretched to yawn, 
I heard a distant lullaby. 

The two great owls settled in
the huge old oaks, ignoring men;
it seemed a soothing and a sigh.

She sang to him. 
He sang to her. 
Arise the sun,
awake the day, 
as the gray fades away,
good night dear and good night sweet love
good night dear and good night sweet love
good night dear and good night sweet love.

                                  by Jane Buchanan 10/11/12

A little something from my early morning run.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What could be better??

   What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday! Not much in this world is better than spending time with my kids. 
   My day started off at a huge craft show in Ozark on a cool blustery day, which was great! Meandering at my own leisure through literally hundreds of craft tents and booths, gleaning ideas for my future crafting and supporting (and by supporting I mean buying from!) such a talented group of crafters.       

    Well, that puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. I'd show you what I bought but I think there is some kind of law against that without posting the makers ID. But you should see the gorgeous colorful purse I found!! and Christmas cards (yes I know I make them but these were so so cute ;), and a scrapbook ( I know I know, yes I make those too, but this family looked sweet that made them and now I can get some great ideas from that also!) and a present that shall not be mentioned for my beautiful daughter and some very artistically painted wood ornaments (yes, I need more ornaments, who doesn't!?!)

   Now to the best part....my son called and invited me to come with him and his wife to a movie, lunch and shopping sales. What? Yes! Serendipity! Olive Garden soup and salad, End of Watch movie,
(which was a really good movie-bring the tissues) and then on to shopping! New outfit for me for under $50, turquoise cardigan, eggplant top and jeans. Love a good Kohl's sale!
   Soooo... want to see the very best part of my day? Yes you do.

           The picture wasn't taken yesterday, but those two totally made my day. Cute aren't they :)

 I think I'll send them this card I made. 
love love love
and tell someone today that you do.