Sunday, October 28, 2012

fall is fading fast, too too fast

    This time of year I am as bi-polar as the view from my window. One day the trees are putting on a brilliant, ever changing display of the most eye catching wonder. Then the storms slam in and the winds blow without stop and bam. Just bam. Looking out, all I see is far too brown and gray.
    Then, just like a snap of your fingers a glimpse of vibrance  and magnificence  sends my heart soaring again. The ironic thing is, and why I cannot trust my feelings, is the view was there the day before but I couldn't see it. When my heart is gray, what I see is often shrouded.
     Today the wind is breezy, the sun is bright, the trees are throwing off their leaves. And I see marigold and burgundy and rust and pumpkin and celery and olive and daffodil and crimson.
                               The tears of the morning have turned to hope in the evening.

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